RIP Yahoo! Pipes

Yahoo has announced it will shut down its web mashup application Pipes on September of this year. Pipes was a pretty useful application to combine web feeds from multiple sources. With an easy to use GUI, you could add filters, modify the fields present in a feed and render the Pipe in RSS, JSON or Atom formats. So you could subscribe to a Pipe just like you would subscribe to any web feed. [Read More]

Closures in JavaScript

A good understanding of closures is a must-have skill for any JavaScript programmer. So let’s take a look at how they work with two simple examples. In JavaScript, functions are first class citizens. This means a function can be passed as an argument to another function, returned as the value from a function, assigned to a variable and stored in a data structure. We can even write a function within a function, and the inner function has access to the environment within which it was created. [Read More]

Dependency Injection in AngularJS 1.x

AngularJS Dependency Injection works like magic! You pass a service name in your controller constructor function and angular runtime promptly provides you with a suitable object. While this makes development process easier, it might be a little disconcerting if you don’t know what’s happening behind the scene. In this article, I will take a look at how angular DI works. In an Angular application, user can create different kinds of components like: directives, controllers, services etc. [Read More]